Support to Succeed

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Support to Succeed

Support to Succeed helps people aged 19 or over, who are out of work and living in Greater Manchester, to overcome their barriers to employment, and accelerate progression towards their goals and aspirations.

Manchester Athena – a partnership of social housing providers – has been awarded a contract to deliver Support to Succeed to 1,400 Greater Manchester residents, with Jigsaw Support leading delivery in Tameside and Wigan.

Supporting people to overcome barriers to employment.

Support to Succeed offers person-centred, one-to-one support for those who are not currently accessing support, to overcome barriers to work. To be eligible, you must be 19 or over and experiencing long-term unemployment. There is also a dedicated offer for those aged 50 and over.

How can we help?

A dedicated keyworker will work with you to consider your needs and goals. With them, you will develop a personalised action plan with agreed goals to support you to make positive progress.

You will have the opportunity to participate in activities which will have a positive impact on your life, address your personal challenges and needs, and improve your future.

A broad range of engaging opportunities will be available to help you develop the skills you need to reach your goals.

Keyworkers will help you to develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and resilience to improve your health and wellbeing, as well as support with improving your employability and digital skills to help you move closer to employment.

What does the support include?

STS support includes:

  • Short term, one-to-one support with a keyworker based around your individual needs
  • A personalised action plan based on your individual strengths and needs
  • Careers advice and support
  • Opportunities to gain new skills and work experience through support services and interventions
  • Opportunities to work with specialist services to help overcome the barriers you face
  • Regular contact with your keyworker will help to keep you on track to achieve your goals
  • Specialist interventions for over 50s, such as:
    • Sow the City (wellbeing through nature – gardening/nature/woodwork)
    • English Football League Trust (sports-based health improvement)
    • The LAB Project (arts-based wellbeing).
    • The Money Charity (over-50s financial sessions, e.g. pensions/retirement planning)

There is also access to:

  • 2 x Growth Company health-specialists (Physiotherapist and Counsellor) offering GM-wide
    complementary support
  • 2 x Growth Company Finance/Debt Advisors, operating GM-wide, offering expert FCA
    regulated advise to residents

How to Refer

For self-referrals, or referrals from an agency with consent, please use the following link and complete a short form:

For further information, please contact:
t: 0161 331 2048


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