Agency managed properties

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Located in 13 different Local Authority areas, the service includes 150 schemes with 500 lettable units.

These are managed by 43 different support providers/managing agents. 21 of the services are delivered by care providers who are subject to CQC requirements. A large number of the other services provide support to residents with mental health disabilities, enabling them to maintain their tenancy and help them to move on to permanent accommodation.

The services provided by these agencies are either funded by commissioners and/or Housing Benefit.
Each service has its own eligibility criteria. Many of the services are specialist and some bespoke for an

The team comprises seven employees. A Performance and Development Manager, an Operations Manager, a Graduate Property Manager and four Property Coordinators. Three of those coordinators provide housing management services directly to schemes in Tameside and Nottingham.

The team carry out an annual appraisal of each scheme which includes rent and service charge, health
and safety and compliance. Through this service we aim to:

  • Provide high quality housing and property management services, ensuring a safe environment
    for some of the most vulnerable people in society.
  • Enable access to housing as part of a pathway for clients leaving care accommodation services.
  • Work with other Agents to assist clients to maintain tenancy.
  • Provide specialist accommodation for clients with severe disabilities.
  • Work with Agencies to access adaptation funding to enable clients to remain in their home.
  • Provide accommodation for persons fleeing domestic violence and assist with moving on to safe secure homes.
  • Provide accommodation for client groups where Commissioners have identified a need in the Local Authority area.
  • Work with agencies to help residents stabilise their mental health disabilities by providing a safe
    housing environment.
  • Ensure that agencies operating within our accommodation are compliant with their agreement
    and the buildings are safe and secure.

For more information please contact:
Jigsaw Support Tel: 0300 011 1144

Case study – Steven

Successful Move on from Supported Living to General Needs.

Steven who had been kept in hospital under the Mental Health Act (Section 117) was nominated for a supported living property. His disclosed health conditions included Paranoid Schizophrenia and severe OCD. He had been rehabilitated in hospital, and once his condition had stabilised he was ready to move into Supported Living. His application was accepted and he was assisted by Adult Social Care to move into the property with a support package and services from Adult Social care put into place.

Steven successfully sustained his tenancy over a long period of time and his support needs significantly reduced. Following a review, Adult Social Care agreed he was ready to move on to somewhere more independent.

Steven was then supported to register on Home Search and successfully secured a suitable property he was happy with. He was supported with the tenancy sign up process and is now settled in his new home.

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