Ageing in Place pathfinder

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Tameside’s Ageing in Place pathfinder

Jigsaw Support is leading Tameside’s Ageing in Place pathfinder in the Ridge Hill area of Stalybridge, to make sure that older people’s voices are heard and valued in the places they live.

Ageing in Place is 3-year partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), Manchester School of Architecture and 9 neighbourhood-based pathfinder partnerships designed to create great places to grow old and strong and supportive neighbourhoods to improve connection, health, and wellbeing in later life

The pathfinder partnerships are focused on areas where there are clustered populations of residents in mid and later life.

Jigsaw Support’s Community Engagement Worker is working closely with local residents and a wide range of organisations and stakeholders including the Big Local, TMBC Population Health, and Action Together, to engage with residents to understand:

  • What it’s like to live on Ridge Hill?
  • How it can be improved?
  • How we can work together to make it better?
Through community engagement events including ‘Ridge Hill Together’ and ‘International Older Persons Day‘, combined with smaller creative engagement workshops involving music, song, art and  physical movement, we have effectively gathered feedback on each of the eight domains of the community.
This feedback has provided an invaluable insight into life on Ridge Hill and has shaped the initial focus of the project allowing a clear direction to be agreed by the AIP Partnership Board.
Themes agreed by the Board include:
  • Community Cohesion
  • Social participation – Increasing skills and physical activity
  • Communication and information – promoting digital inclusion
  • Social inclusion – specific activities for men
Resident led workgroups have been formed to plan and deliver projects including:
  • A constituted ‘Ridge Hill Together’ community group
  • Social activities (including movie nights)
  • Strength and Balance exercise classes
  • Community newsletter and noticeboards
  • Digital Training and Digital Champions programme
  • Men In Kitchens cookery courses
Who is eligible?

The Ageing in Place project would like to hear from anyone over the age of 50 who lives in Ridge Hill and would like to find out more, have their say and help make Ridge Hill a better place to live and grow older.

How to get involved
We are actively looking for local champions to raise awareness, signpost, promote and support people to access services and create a lasting legacy for the programme.  These include:
  • Age-friendly champions
  • Nutrition and Hydration champions
  • Digital champions
  • Community champions
  • Active champions.
If you would like to find out more about any of these roles or the project in general, contact Jigsaw Support’s Community Engagement Worker (Ageing in Place Pathfinder):
t: 07599657994
or contact Ageing in Place through our Wellbeing Team by emailing 
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