Our portfolio comprises 230 units, which are a mix of tenures to meet the varying needs of our clients. Tenures range from schemes for 16-18-year-olds, which are staffed 24/7, shared sex/age adult schemes, female-only schemes and several independent, self-contained flats dispersed throughout the borough.
The partnership comprises many housing and support providers -Jigsaw Support, Riverside Housing & Support, and Your Housing Group. Together we can utilise our shared skills, knowledge, and a proven track record of providing quality supported housing solutions, putting our residents at the heart of all we do.
We ensure that a consistent approach to service delivery across the partnership. Springboard clients receive the same high level of support regardless of which borough they’re from.
The circumstances that lead a person to become homeless are, more often than not, linked to deep-rooted trauma, not to mention the fact that the experience of living on the streets can in itself be very traumatic. We understand the effects of trauma on a person, and we take an asset-based approach to help our clients work through those traumas. By assisting people to understand their strengths and positive attributes, they have a much better chance of getting their lives back on track.
- Singles, couples and families who are homeless/at risk of homelessness
- Over 16 years of age
- Clients must demonstrate a willingness to engage in support tailored to their needs
- Referrals are welcome from all sources, submissions and general enquiries to: springboardenquiries@riverside.org.uk
- Jigsaw Support lead contact: Adam Treasure, Operations Manager at adam.treasure@jigsawhomes.org.uk