
Customer Feedback | 06/06/2023
Customer Feedback Update: Q4 January – March 2023

We are always keen to hear your feedback as this helps us to learn and understand areas where we are delivering services well and areas where we can improve. Dissatisfaction…

Jigsaw Group News | 22/05/2023
Housing 2023 Jobs Fair – Thursday 29 June

For all those looking for a career with purpose. The housing jobs fair will bring together the largest recruiters in the region and those looking for opportunities to join a long term career in a sector that supports local communities. Thursday 29 June 08:00-18:00 at Manchester Central. FREE to attend.

General | 17/05/2023
New funding for Motiv8 to support people back into work

Motiv8 has secured funds totalling £485,000 from the Department of Work and Pensions’ Flexible Support Fund to provide a much-needed lifeline for 500 people who need extra support to get back on track and into work.

General | 11/05/2023
Our services on Friday 12 May 2023

We will be providing an Emergency only service this Friday 12 May 2023.  If you need to report an emergency repair during this time, please contact our emergency service on 0300 111 1133 (Jigsaw Homes North) or 0300 011 1144 (Jigsaw Homes Tameside & Jigsaw Homes Midlands).

Employee News | 09/05/2023
Jigsaw Homes Signs Dying to Work Charter

Jigsaw Homes Group has signed a new charter to help support colleagues if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

General, Investor updates | 19/04/2023
We are looking for a new Chair to join our group board.

Our current Chair will be retiring from our Board later this year, and building on her success this is a unique opportunity to ensure we remain a highly successful housing provider and employer of choice.

General | 05/04/2023
Our services during the Easter Holiday 2023

We will be providing an Emergency only service on Good Friday (07 April 2023) and Easter Monday (10 April 2023). Our offices will be closed during this time and will re-open as usual from Tuesday 11 April 2023.

General, In Your Area, Jigsaw Foundation, Jigsaw Rewards, Neighbourhood | 27/03/2023
£450,000 Community funding available for 2023!

Our £450,000 community fund is now available for neighbourhood and community based projects! The fund supports local projects run by charities, resident and community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and…

Jigsaw Rewards, You Said We Did | 20/03/2023
You Said We Did: Scrutinise This Website

Each year, we ask groups of residents to take a close look at how certain areas of our organisation are being run, in a process called resident scrutiny. We wanted…

General | 15/03/2023
Supported Housing in the Spotlight at House of Commons

Last week Jigsaw Homes’ Group Director of Support and Neighbourhoods, Donna Kelly helped launch a new research report about the value and impact of supported housing, at the House of Commons.