
Best Foot Forward for Walking Group

Best Foot Forward for Walking Group

As part of Greater Manchester’s walking month, our Ageing in Place project in Ridge Hill has joined forces with the Active Tameside health walk group from Stamford Park.

This is a regular feature for residents of Ridge Hill, Stalybridge, who have been joining the Active Tameside health walk group to walk to the Warm Hub, based at the Big Local, where residents welcome the group and provide refreshments.

Jigsaw Support is leading Tameside’s Ageing in Place pathfinder, a three-year partnership with GMCA and Manchester School of Architecture to make sure that older people’s voices are heard and valued in the places they live.

The group is also busy creating an ‘edible’ walkway consisting of over 70 fruit trees and age-friendly planters, which will be mapped into a walk for residents to follow, encouraging further walking for the community, especially those in the 50+ age range.

All of this will complement the existing ‘couch to out and about’ activity, which is well-established and enjoyed by many residents in the community.