Motiv8 – Greater Manchester

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Motiv8 - supporting people to overcome barriers to employment

Motiv8 provides 1-2-1 wraparound support for 6 months to help people overcome barriers and move into employment.

Motiv8 can support people to develop a personal action plan that is unique to their own needs. Issues can range from debt and financial hardship, homelessness, domestic abuse, physical health, mental wellbeing and alcohol and drug dependency and many more besides.

By helping to improve health and wellbeing, self-confidence, self-esteem, finance and employability skills, Motiv8 can improve an individual’s chance of accessing training or finding a job.

Participation in Motiv8 is voluntary. Working alongside a dedicated Keyworker, Motiv8 also works with a wide-range of partners and agencies who can provide specific support to help overcome barriers and challenges.

How can we help?

We help people to make positive changes to their lives with issues such as:

  • Mental health issues including self-harming and/or suicidal thoughts
  • Physical health issues or disabilities
  • Substance misuse or addiction (including gambling)
  • Homelessness or housing issues
  • Debt/Financial hardship
  • Domestic abuse
  • Current or historic criminal offences
  • Social isolation or loneliness
  • Or other barriers preventing you from moving forward.

Our support will:

  • Promote access to services that will support you to move forward
  • Develop self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience to improve health and wellbeing
  • Improve finances, digital skills and employability to help you move closer towards:
    • Job searching and employment
    • Education and training
    • Volunteering


What does the support include?

Motiv8’s support includes:

  • An allocated Key Worker will work with you to develop an action plan based around your strengths and needs.
  • The Key Worker will work with you to co-ordinate support services and interventions. They will work with referring agencies, specialist support and multi-agencies across Greater Manchester that can support you.
  • Regular reviews with your Key Worker will help ensure your action plan remains on track
  • You will receive support for up to 6 months.
Customer Feedback

Transforming lives!
“I have had nothing but positive feedback from people I have referred. One homeless client had a distrust of all organisations and felt let down by all previous agencies. With Motiv8’s help, solutions were  found and ultimately he was rehoused. Thank you!”
– Jobcentre Plus

Hope for the future!
“My life had no meaning. My key worker has been amazing – always there when I needed them to give me hope and confidence. I never thought, at the age of 50, I would have the confidence to go to college, and better myself. Motiv8 has been fantastic for me.”

A life saver!
“Motiv8 has been literally life saving. Having you in my corner has made everything a lot less daunting, so thank you for doing an amazing job and actually caring.”

Access to Motiv8 for Jobcentre Plus customers within Greater Manchester

This service is funded by the Department of Work and Pensions. (DWP)

It is being led by Jigsaw Homes and delivered across Greater Manchester by:

The service provides support to people who:

  • Live in Greater Manchester
  • Are aged over 18
  • Are a customer of Jobcentre Plus
  • Are not engaging in other DWP/ Jobcentre funded provision such as Restart, Work and Health Programme.
  • Are not in education, training or employment
  • Have multiple support needs.

How to refer:

To be referred to this service, please speak to your Work Coach or Disability Employment Advisor (DEA)

For further information, please contact:
t: 0161 331 2048

Access to Motiv8 for Jigsaw Homes Group residents

This service is funded by Jigsaw Support.

If you are a Jigsaw Homes tenant or live in a Jigsaw property in Greater Manchester, you can refer into Jigsaw Support’s Motiv8 service.

The service provides support to people who:

  •  Live in Greater Manchester
  • Are aged over 18
  • Are not in education, training or employment
  • Have multiple support needs

How to refer:

For self referral. please click here to complete a short form.
(Alternatively, with your consent, a referral can be made by Jigsaw staff or another agency.)

For further information, please contact:
t: 0161 331 2048

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